No, we’re better!
We cut your steaks fresh upon receiving your order. Other retailers cut and stockpile steaks in a frozen state for months! This can result in a dry or even freezer burnt steak.
Our products and business services are completely different. Here’s how:
Step 1: After you place your order, only then will our expert butchers cut your steaks fresh. We do it like this to keep the quality of your steaks as fresh as possible and for a better quality dining experience.
Step 2: We then vacuum seal it to lock in all the natural flavors and juices. The steaks are then flash frozen in our freezers, where they will remain for about 2 days to ensure they get a good freeze before shipping.
Step 3: We prepare your order for shipping with a combination of dry ice and ice / gel packs to help maintain acceptable temperatures during the shipping process.
Other retailers will cut and freeze steaks months ahead of time. These steaks will sit in their warehouse freezers for months until picked for shipping. Don’t risk it or you’ll be unhappy with old and dry steaks!