Satisfaction Guarantee
We commit ourselves to the highest quality products & service. It is with a deep sense of pride and commitment that we cheerfully serve our customers.
We guarantee that all of our steaks and meats are inspected at different stages, and must pass many quality and safety inspections before shipping. We guarantee our steaks and meats are the finest in every way, from marbling to hand-trimming to packaging.
We also guarantee that our steaks are ideally aged to ensure maximum flavor and tenderness.
Our steaks and meat products are perishable, and we guarantee them to be in excellent condition up to 4 hours after delivery. If left out 4 hours after delivery and without proper care, we cannot guarantee their condition. If we fail to live up to any aspect of this guarantee, please notify us at Toll Free 877-646-6979 and claims will be assessed and processed at the discretion of the Company.
Authorized returns may be required at the discretion of the company.
We guarantee that every one of our products meet our high standards and will work to exceed your expectations.